Priti Pandurangan

But a city is more than a place in space, it is a drama in time.

— Patrick Geddes

A dérive, as conceptualised by Guy Debord [1], is an unplanned journey through the urban environment wherein the participants set aside their everyday behaviours and allow themselves be spontaneously drawn to various attractions and chance encounters along their way. A practice originating from the Situationist movement, dérives are intended to study how a place affects the emotions and behaviours of an individual (also known as psychogeography).

In the spirit of dérive, I walked through various neighborhoods of Bengaluru in an attempt to capture the moods and emotions of the place. I document my interactions with both people and places, reflecting on what I observed and the emotions I experienced along the way.


  1. Debord, G. (1931) Theory of the Dérive.