February 04, 2023
Week 14
This week has been a lot of fun, some new learnings and re-learnings, tinkering with physical computing, researching and reading.
After Makey Makey and micro:bit, I decided it was time to bring Arduino into my physical computing world. I attended a fun workshop literally plugging bits of components and having fun making them interact.
We lighted up a NeoPixel LED strip based on distance recorded by an ultrasonic distance sensor.

I am excited to expand my current knowledge of creative computing and use it to make interactive data-driven sculptures.
For our collaborative unit with UN Women, it has been great to approach the project through the lens of creative collaboration and teamwork. As a team, we are beginning to understand each other’s interests and aspirations. I am excited to learn through this exchange of ideas and curious to see how team work in an academic environment can be quite different from a professional one.

The unit on data visceralisation takes me back to an earlier work on exploring visual culture through dérive. We are currently exploring ideas and themes around Psychogeography and using the sounds we recorded as a way to depict the neighbourhood. I have been reading In the City: Drawings by Nigel Peake and love the way he vividly captures the city through it’s fragments.

As a group we listened to the audio recordings from our data walk and gathered potential ideas and themes.

In our programming session, we moved on to JavaScript and understanding the pillars of coding. It’s been fun for me to use D3.js as a way of drawing and comparing the programming patterns with Processing.

Looking forward to more research and making in the following weeks.