June 17, 2023
Week 30
It was a relaxed week spent reading, making zero waste sketchbooks, exploring generative art & RISO, and participating in a placemaking poetics workshop
We were given a reading week break from our coursework, providing the ideal opportunity to sew more sketchbooks. I used offcuts from different printing areas at LCC to put together small pamphlet-stitched sketchbooks.

As a generative artist, I have always been fascinated by the core concepts of chance and interference. Currently, I'm reading essays that delve into the significance of chance in quantum physics, art, and everyday life, aiming to gain a deeper understanding and explore their implications in my work.

Recently, I've begun experimenting with generative art and RISO, and I'm looking forward to discovering ways to integrate them into a series of computational design zines created using Risograph.

During the weekend, I participated in a workshop that focused on the themes of walking and delving into place-based writing using approaches like concrete poetry, psychogeography, and mark-making. This experience has opened up new avenues to explore in my research, particularly in relation to observing the sonic qualities of a place through slow, long-durational listening and prompt-based writing.