Priti Pandurangan

I organised tactile data walks, testing an experimental framework in a participatory context for collecting and mapping sensory data.

The purpose of this workshop was to examine the diversity of tactile impressions among participants and create a space for collectively mapping and exchanging subjective experiences related to our shared spaces.

Participants were given a RISO printed zine that included a walking score, dedicated space for recording data, suggestive vocabulary to assist in making associations, a map, and other materials to facilitate recording and representing their tactile environment.

During the sensory walk, participants were guided by the score through various tactile experiences, relying on their sense of touch to explore different textures, surfaces, and materials in their surroundings.

During the sensory walk, participants were guided by the score through various tactile experiences, relying on their sense of touch to explore different textures, surfaces, and materials in their surroundings.

Following the tactile walk, in a collective mapping exercise, participants charted their sensory experiences on their maps. Later, participants shared their maps and perceptions, contributing to a collective narrative of the sensory landscape they all experienced.

Tactile data walk & collective mapping / Geraldine Mary Harmsworth Park, London