October 21, 2023
Week 38
This week, I RISO printed the zines for my tactile data walk workshop.

I have also begun sketching out the information architecture and flow for my final outcome. I am working towards creating an interactive, transmedia experience.

We gathered for a sharing session where we discussed our progress with our tutor and classmates. These weekly checkpoints have been valuable in exchanging ideas and seeing consistent progress in my dissertation journey.

We discussed the audience for our projects. I did a Think, Feel, Do exercise for my identified audience groups and drafted an outline for this section of my thesis report.

We discussed the audience for our projects. I did a Think, Feel, Do exercise for my identified audience groups and drafted an outline for this section of my thesis report.

As the week drew to a close, I dedicated time to providing feedback and refining materials for my DVS mentorship sessions. I'm truly enjoying the opportunity to share and give back to the data visualisation community.