December 02, 2023
Week 44
This week has been busy with dedicated preparations and efforts for the upcoming graduate showcase and speaking at the London Data Visualisation meet-up.
I began fabricating my Arduino setup for the tangible interaction element of my installation. I experimented with various materials and dimensions for the enclosure.

I also tested out vinyl cutting for printing instructions for the setup.

I moved on to make decisions about what paper to use for the keepsake cards that encodes the data from my walks.

I printed the cards and duplexed them to bump up the thickness.

Once the cards were trimmed down in the guillotine, I manually cut them into the shape of index cards.

Once I had the cards ready, I began working on the keepsake box to house these cards. I used the book arts studio to work on a custom handmade box using grey boards and book cloth.

I am thankful to all the technicians in the workshops at LCC for their patience and support.
It was fun to work alongside my course leader Henrietta to plan and map our projects physically in the exhibition space.

We also installed a few posters highlighting our projects and key readings from the course. I am excited to see how all our projects transform this space.

This week, I also spoke at the London Data Visualisation meet-up alongside other interesting speakers. I shared the process behind my dissertation project and look forward to seeing more familiar faces at the graduate show next week!